
Message A


This is the general message that the recipient will receive in his or her email inbox.


Please click on the following link <a href="{{protectedlink}}">{{protectedlink}}</a>
to open your private content.

<i>To open the password-protected email page, please enter the
last 4 characters of your date of birth in DDMMYYYY format. For example,
if your NRIC is your birthdate is "13 January 1999",
the password will be first "1311". </i>

We send password-protected emails on behalf of government agencies.

This is a system-generated email. Please do not reply.

Message B

This is a secret or private message that will be password-protected.

Dear {{name}},

Your secret pin is {{pin}}.

Please keep your pin safe and not share it with others.


Agency X

(This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature)<p>

CSV File

You can use the sample CSV file that we have created and change the recipient's email address to your email address.

Last updated